May 132015

I’m so glad hummus is a “thing” now, appetizers and parties are so much better than hummus’ predecessor – ranch dip. I love some Hidden Valley and then, but it does get old after awhile. With endless flavors of hummus, there’s always something new to enjoy with veggies and crackers. So naturally, it’s only fitting to celebrate this fine spread and alas Friday is National Hummus Day. So whether your enjoy the Publix brand or whipping up a batch on your own, here’s to enjoying some glorious smashed up chickpeas.

Feel like making your own hummus this week? Taverna Opa has shared a simple recipe with us! Try it out or visit Pointe Orlando to try their dish firsthand.

Opa’s Hummus Recipe

  • 1 Cup Chickpeas
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • Garlic to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Combine all ingredients in mortar and ground to your desired consistency.

Hummus 2



Photo Credit: Taverna Opa

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